
JSJ was honored to take part in a B12 clinic today
thank you to @puresalon and @toughwarriorprincess for an amazing day raising money to support those affected by cancer

Event Date -October 28, 2024

a woman sitting in a chair with a woman in a pink hat
two women wearing pink wigs and matching shirts
a group of women wearing matching outfits
a group of people wearing pink and black matching outfits
two people wearing pink wigs and matching shirts
a group of women in clothing
a pair of women's legs wearing black pants with white text
a woman smiling at camera
a woman giving a man a tattoo
a group of men wearing pink shirts and hats

Galderma training day at JSJ
The artificial balancing

Event Date -September 17, 2024

a group of women posing for a photo
a woman getting a facial injection
a woman standing in front of a screen
a group of women sitting in chairs
a screen shot of a woman
a group of women in a salon
a woman getting a tattoo on her face
a woman sitting in a chair with a woman in the back
a group of people sitting in chairs in a room with a television screen
a woman with a comparison of her face
a woman with brown hair and a black shirt

JSJ team building Cooking Class at Rigatoni‘s with Lisa.

Event Date -September 12, 2024

a group of women wearing white hats
a woman in a uniform holding a knife
a selfie of two women

two women posing for a picture
a group of women taking a selfie
a couple of women holding pizzas
a woman wearing yellow glasses and gloves holding a bottle of juice
a woman in a chef's hat

JSJ wins Best of 603!

Event Date -9-12-2024

a group of women posing for a picture
a group of women posing for a picture
a group of women posing for a photo
a woman standing in front of a sign
a woman standing in front of a poster
a woman holding a magazine
a woman holding papers in front of a poster
a woman holding a poster
a woman standing in front of a poster

Drive fit health and wellness day!

Event Date – 9-7-2024

a group of women posing for a photo
a group of people posing for a photo
two men sitting in chairs under a tent
a woman holding a bag
a man and woman holding a plastic bag
a man and woman sitting in a wheelchair
two women taking a selfie
a couple of women sitting in chairs outside

JSJ hosted a B12 vitamin D clinic for the Windham school districts, annual health and wellness day

Event Date – 8-26-24

JSJ hosted a B12 vitamin D clinic for the Wyndham school districts, annual health and wellness day

Event Date – 8-26-24

JSJ honored to be invited to take part in the Methuen public school health and wellness fair. Sharing our knowledge on weight loss wellness and vitamin therapies.

a woman getting an injection
a group of women standing in front of a table
a woman in blue gloves and a woman in blue gloves
a group of women standing in front of a table

Second annual Pampered Project June 26, 2024

Honoring two special teachers and two special nurses for a day of pampering at JSJ

Event Date – 06-26-2024

a group of women holding flowers and a check

a group of women posing for a photo

Methuen Public School Health and Wellness Fair

Event Date – 24-05-2024

JSJ honored to be invited to take part in the Methuen public school health and wellness fair. Sharing our knowledge on weight loss wellness and vitamin therapies.

a woman standing in a room with other people
a group of women posing for a photo
a group of women standing in front of a table with a table with items
a group of women posing for a selfie
a woman getting an injection
a group of people standing around a table with a table with a table with a table with a white tablecloth and a red container with a white cover with a red label

David Ortiz, Children’s Fund

Event Date – 20-05-2024

JSJ was honored to be invited to support the David Ortiz, children’s fund, charity event soirée of hearts casino night in golf tournament.

a group of people posing for a photo
a couple of women taking a selfie
a group of women wearing matching outfits
a group of women in matching outfits
a group of women posing for a photo
a group of women posing for a photo
a group of women wearing matching outfits

JSJ announced best Med Spa of New Hampshire

Event Date – 03-04-2024

a group of women in blue uniforms

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A post shared by JSJ Aesthetics Salem, NH & Methuen, MA (@jsjaesthetics)

Toy Drive

Event Date – 12-09-2023

a group of people in garment standing next to a table with food
two women in a red fire truck
a man in a garment under a tent
a group of people in clothing posing for a photo
two women in red and white outfits in a car
a woman taking a selfie with a man in a garment

Grand Opening

Event Date -04-06-2023

JSJ celebrates their re-grand opening in launches their pampered project, honoring two incredible nurses with a day of pampering!

Definitely one of the most magical days in the history of this company. We are so proud of our staff and our two beautiful nurses who helped kick off our annual Pampered Project. Thanks to the hundreds of people who showed up to celebrate with us!

a woman in a yellow jumpsuit holding a large pair of scissors

a group of people standing next to a red ribbon
a large white letters with lights
a group of women posing for a picture

JSJ team hike Mt Moosilauke

Event Date – 10-23-2023

a group of women in winter clothes
a collage of women in the snow
a group of people posing for a photo
a group of women on a bridge
a group of people hiking on a snowy mountain
a group of people hiking in the woods
a river running through a forest

Photos courtesy of JSJ Aesthetics &Wellnesss

Botox, Brows, Boobs, and Bubbles Ladies Night – Cancer Charity Event by Rachel Robbins

Event Date – 10-20-2023

Salem, NH based JSJ Aesthetics & Wellness held a charity event on Octo-ber 19 titled “Botox, Brows, Boobs and Bubbles Ladies Night.” The event raised money and awareness for breast cancer research. More than 100 local women came together to raise over $5,000 for Tough Warrior Princess, which benefits women battling cancer.

The night featured discounted ser-vices from JSJ, such as botox, brows, and free consultations, as well as highlighted products and services from local vendors, including:

JSJ Aesthetics owner, Jessica St. Jean, said she is committed to using her busi-ness to raise money and awareness for breast cancer research.

a group of women standing in front of a wall of balloons
women standing next to each other with sashes
a group of women posing for a photo

Jessica St Jean awarded the topaz award Hidden Jewel of Pelham NH

Event Date – 08-17-2023

a woman smiling for a picture
a group of people posing for a photo
a woman in a green dress
a woman in a green dress
a group of women posing for a photo
a group of people posing for a photo
a woman sitting in a chair with a hair dryer
a group of people posing for a photo

JSJ wellness day for the Salem the Police Department.

Event Date – 04-11-2023

a woman holding syringes in her hand
a man injecting a woman in a room
a man with a tattoo on his arm
a woman injecting a man's arm
a group of people posing for a photo
a woman sitting at a table with a table covered in white cloth

Pampered Project

Event Date – 04-06-2023

JSJ celebrates their re-grand opening in launches their pampered project, honoring two incredible nurses with a day of pampering!

Definitely one of the most magical days in the history of this company. We are so proud of our staff and our two beautiful nurses who helped kick off our annual Pampered Project. Thanks to the hundreds of people who showed up to celebrate with us!

a group of women holding a check

JSJ David Ortiz Fund

Event Date – 12-01-2023

Incredible weekend supporting David Ortiz foundation.
Shoutout to the David Ortiz Children’s Fund for inviting us on the trip of a lifetime for a great cause! 💙

a group of women posing for a picture
a group of people posing for a photo
a group of people in a room
a woman holding golf clubs
a man and woman sitting on a lounge chair
a man lying on a bed with a woman on the top
a group of women posing for a picture
a group of women posing for a photo
a group of women wearing blue shirts
a group of people walking in an airport
a woman holding a dropper
a group of women posing for a selfie
a sign with text and images

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